The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name.

A Free online storybook about community and healing

A sad blue woman falls into a world of puppets. Finding community after years of loneliness.

There's a 'slasher' on the loose...

Sasha Sasher is a sad troubled psychic who has been alone for a very long time. Fed up with the world's mistreatment of her she has determined the only way forward is down, inflicting the same blue sadness she feels onto those around her with the help of her horrific powers. Her story is one where she is the villain, the Slishy Slasher, and it is reaching its rotten conclusion.Or so she thinks.One day, she falls into the world of stitch and seam, a land of puppets. Where the sun is never cruel and the felt ground cushions her fall.For the first time in her entire life, Slishy feels safe around others– With the help of a strange being called “Mr. Missus Slink" she begins finding the path to healing.

What is in store?

“The Stars and Blue” is a free digital art book detailing a victim of societal neglect finding community after years of wandering alone. This project is the work of multiple artists— each drawing pages from the storybook in their own unique style.With the help of our amazing VA team, this project will feature readings from the Slishy Slasher and Mr Missus Slink themselves at a later date after the storybook has relreased.And? There is more but to tell you now would give away the small surprises we have in store!~

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name.

Grab a friend and find a cozy place to sit, because it's storytime!

Follow the lonely Slishy Slasher as she falls into a strange new world populated by puppets and a mysterious otherworldly being.After a lifetime of being thrown away and digging downwards, the Slishy Slasher has sunk lower than ever thought possible. Scorned, abandoned, left to die all alone. But Slishy suddenly finds herself surrounded by more friends than she ever thought possible. Could she truly have found kindness, after everything she's been through? After everything she's done?The Stars And Blue is a horror story turned fantasy slice-of-life. Created by WithKinderEyes, with the help of multiple artists — each drawing pages from the storybook in their own unique style. A feast for the eyes full to the brim with heart-wrenching and heartwarming delights.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled


Artist Crafter






















Creator | Artist


Guest Artist


Guest Artist


Guest Artist

King Ferret

Guest Artist


Guest Artist


Guest Artist


Guest Artist


Guest Artist


Guest Artist


Guest Artist

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled

Q & A

Answered by Withkindereyes

Is this a paid project? Is money being made from it?This project is made possible through a team of volunteers. All team members retain ownership of the characters and art they create for this story.For exclusive behind-the-scenes content and sneak peaks at what's to come, you can support the projects creator and become a ko-fi member for as little as $5 a month at

When will the storybook be available?May 20th, 2024! An audio format of the story will follow at a later date.

Is the stars and blue a horror story?"The Stars and Blue" starts as a horror story however quickly transitions into a fantasy slice of life story. However it respectfully deals with the following topics that those wanting to look into the story should consider first:Societal Neglect, loneliness, abandonment, mental illness, parental trauma, and childhood abuse.The team and I are committed to sensitively and empathetically covering these themes-- They are not thrown in for sensationalism. Even if they are uncomfortable they are core to the story.

Fan works?Making oc's and fan art are more than allowed!!! It means a lot to everyone that people care about our story-- however there are a few points to be made.Nsfw is not allowed, Beyond me not being comfortable with it--several of the team are minors. so the answer is no, with no room for misinterperation.Selling fanart is not allowed. This is a free project being created for the fun of creating, we are not making any money from this so please do not sell work of our characters and world.

Working on the project?Contact me @withkindereyes on twitter! We are always looking to grow our little community.Currently we are looking for help with:
Sound design
Web design

What else is this story about?Finding healing after years of suffering alone.Feeling safe to feel safe around others again.Finding peace through holding yourself accountable.Prioritizing rehabilitation over punishment.Among other things.

Is this story based on (movie/game/comic)?Nope! It’s just based on one sad traumatized persons experiences bettering herself and finding community she feels safe around. The story’s a bit of a celebration of getting out of the dark and feeling safe around people again.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled

"Slishy Slasher"

You’ve fallen beneath rock bottom, with no way out of the sinking tar you’ve poured into the chasm of your life. Will you ever have friends again? Will you ever feel safe again? Maybe it would be better to just sink out of view and leave everyone be… If you can’t have community why even try getting better right?As you lay in the tarry murk, looking through swollen eyes at the dark of the sky, something blinks out from the long abyss. It’s celestial trajectory gaining closer.Sasha Sasher is an extremely broken and traumatized woman who had her innocence and joy ripped away from her at a very young age. Then spent the next several years wandering alone, trying and failing to keep friendships until she eventually decided she had enough. She is done playing by the rule book and is going to tear down the entire system and make everyone see her whether they want to or not. Deep down she doesn’t want that, but sees no other way out.Slishy is a shrewd and sneering individual, she wasn’t always like this- but at the time of the story she’s been very unhappy for a long time. Shrouded in seething loneliness and anger at a world she feels has abandoned her. Twisted and warped by years of neglect.She tends to hide behind a veneer of sarcasm and vile insults in order to keep herself safe—While bursting into fits of anger at people around her, innocent, bystander, tormenter, she struggles to differentiate between the three. Slishy feels like a victim of her own brain and can be unintentionally hostile, clingy, paranoid, and reacts badly to rejection, change, or what she might think is condescension or uncaring words. She frequently gets distracted and explodes into tangents and rants about how she’s feeling and tends to sway to extreme highs and lows with little in between.Underneath all that violence she's very kind, even sweet, funny, and charming but she's lost her personality due to her trauma and struggles to have her own identity—when she’s given the chance to have friends that personality begins to slowly show itself.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled


This little grasshopper would love so very much to teach you how to play the guitar, and the flute, and the piano and more. They hope to wash away your woes with melodies and harmonies. You don’t know why…but the tunes you two tune begin to peel away the sadness around your heart.This soft spoken but very upbeat buggy is someone who really likes seeing the bright side of things. Music is his forte, he is very excitable and loves to make people smile with his tunes! Monty is a firm believer that you can find music and melody in every bit of your environment - which makes them very happy, for what would the world be without music? From the gurgling of a stream to the laughter of friends, each sound in Montys world builds up to a beautiful crescendo of music.Monty spends his free time learning new instruments and practicing études. They are always coming up with new songs - whether those are small little jingles or full fledged concertos - music is the key to his self expression. This is his way of enjoying and loving themself and sharing that love and joy to others. Monty is always looking to make someone’s day brighter through their sounds or helping in any way he can.Monty enjoys the sweeter things in life: dulce de leche, honey and tea, collecting fun socks and the days he spends alone where he picnics or takes a stroll to brainstorm new melodies. Of course he’s more than happy to invite a friend along to join in the merriment. His favorite color in the whole world is sweet apple red! It comes as no surprise that his birthday is August 15th, international grasshopper day.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled

Doodle McNoodle

This fluffy monster loves the idea of being your friend! They want to know if you’d help them with their next art project? They’ve been crafting crafts for years yet the idea of creating with you makes them smile wide. You feel your repressed creativity and wonder rushing back.The noodle of everyone’s eye! Beloved by everyone in the neighborhood this impish puppet spreads sequins, glitter, and glue wherever they tread. Doodle McNoodle loves to make the people around her smile and laugh, whether that’s through jokes, games or little handmade gifts. No face is safe from smiles and laughter as long as he’s around. They are easily distractible and tend to jump from activity to activity, leaving quite a mess of art supplies and half finished crafts in their wake.Doodle is very curious about everything and anything, asking lots of questions to learn about the puppets and world around him. She draws what she learns about and hangs the masterpieces on the very crowded fridge at home. As monsters of her kind do, Doodle sleeps under the bed! If you cannot provide a bed, a closet is just as cozy. Blanket forts or under some basement stairs will also do in a pinch.Doodle loves trying new things, the act of creating gifts for others, and hugging people with her long arms! Their favoritest color? Rainbow glitter of course! The only things Doodle doesn’t like are frowny faces and getting caught in the rain (it takes a long time to dry all that fluff!) Their chaotically glitter filled birthday arrives every April 1st, full of fun memories such as “Awe, thank you for making cards for everyone Doodle! But it’s supposed to be the other way around!” and “Oh dear, Doodle glitter bombed the entire town again…”

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled


While threading yarn and trimming stitches this puppet tells you stories about her life. As you listen you can’t help but feel relief knowing people like you aren’t destined to die young. The world feels a little less hopeless. When she presents you with a pair of gloves you feel about ready to cry.The oldest resident of Stitch and Seam this puppet can tell you almost anything you’d want to know and give insight to the turmoil of living your life. Born on December 15th Gramsby is also the second shortest puppet in the world, her son being the smallest. Nobody knows exactly how old she is yet she’s seemingly witnessed everything and loves to recount her many stories while knitting.the queen of grandma squares, Gramsby is a sweet kind little Grandmother to other puppets. She will take anyone under her wing who needs it. She will prattle on about stories that will lead into other stories that will lead into other stories so long as the listener would like to listen. Those who listen to her stories always end the day having learned something new or having been filled with the sense of “oh so I’m not the only one whose had to live through this…life’s not so lonely anymore”Gramsby dislikes people shaking her off since she’s smaller than most puppets—Her favorite color is green and she loves getting others into the habit of knitting so that she can spend time with them.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled

Pepper and Jude

Partners for life! Everyone needs someone to lean on from time to time. The two puppets know each other so well they can practically finish each other's sentences. They show you that it’s okay to ask for a hand to hold when things get tough, there’s always someone who will dry your tears and listen to your stories. Growing up doesn’t feel so hopeless anymore.PEPPER
This bright little dude is a true adventurer, his passion and zest for life infectious wherever he goes! He's a true people person, and gets his energy out of socializing and spending time with his dear ones. He finds beauty in all that he sees, and he wants nothing more than to see it all! His biggest dream is to travel the world with his best friend Jude, who helps him get around. He is a hand puppet, so walking isn't his strong suit! Luckily Jude is all too happy to take him wherever he wants to go. They are like two peas in a pod!
Smart, loyal, and passionate about what they love, Jude is a friend for life. Though it may be hard for them to let you in at first, for they set their walls up high - once in, you'll never want to leave again. Warm and understanding, they'll listen to all you may have to say, and will offer a warm fluffy shoulder to cry on when you need it. They've been there.
Going outside and dealing with the world can be a bit difficult for them, and talking to strangers too, so Pepper comes with them wherever they may need to go. When they're outside, Jude does the walking and Pepper does the talking! When they're home, they enjoy spending time together playing board games, crafting or watching movies, cooking or just talking for hours and hours.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled


This benevolent cowboy wants you to take a breather and help him watch the clouds roll by. Laying underneath the sunrise you feel less angry, and your thoughts begin to sort themselves out. As the sun smiles down from up in the sky, a peaceful calm washes over you.The humble cowboy of Stitch and Seam charms everyone he meets with a friendly “Howdy!” and a tip of his hat. A true outdoorsman, Beau can often be found lounging all around the world of Stitch and Seam. Standing so still that you might miss him in the scenery, this lackadaisical cowboy loves to shoot the breeze and take life slow. He doesn’t take kindly to being startled or disturbed, but if you are quiet you might be allowed to join him in watching the world pass by.Beau has a devotion to his community, and is usually the first to leap to the help of his neighbors. His sedentary lifestyle hides a quick to action attitude that shows itself when things get dire. However, Beau tries to avoid making decisions based on time - he knows the mistakes that come from rushing into situations when logic is overwhelmed by emotion. Instead this kind fella prefers thinking things through before anything is done at all.Beau is a man of few words. Conversations with him are full of long pauses as he thinks over what he wants to say. He knows ASL and prefers to express his howdy’s and yee-haws through gesture and signs. His trusty steed - a sock puppet called Horse - is like a brother to him. Beau’s birthday is April 7th, and his favorite color is the dandelion yellow of the flowers growing around his humble home.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled

Jigs Sawyer

You tell this inventor that you are like a broken jigsaw puzzle. Over the years you tried putting yourself back together many times yet you only lost more pieces. She smiles and gives you a painted puzzle piece—saying it’s ok because your neighbors are going to help you make new pieces, and these ones will fit better. You feel the blue begin to fade away.Who is the smartest in all of Stitch and Seam? If you asked any puppet they would direct you to Jig Sawyer! Crafter of over-the-top machines, she delights in solving puzzles just as much as constructing them - including those in the shape of broken people. Her knack for thinking outside of the box and determination to see things through make her the go-to lady for any puppet in need of seeing the bigger picture.Jigs is prone to zoning in on a problem and forgetting to give context as to why. It’s not unusual for her to walk up to someone and take whatever they’re holding with a happy “Thanks, I needed this!” Her unorthodox ideas seem puzzling at first glance, however when she excitedly explains what she’s come up with those around her gain clarity like never before!The birthday of her genius mind is January 10, national peculiar people day! Jig’s favorite color is a bold orange. She loves interactable literature, Rube Goldberg machines, and anything that’s crafty and playable! She above everything else dislikes having nothing to solve and being obstructed by the dreaded Brainfog.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled


A little witch runs from tree to tree, watering them with a determined efficiency. Her eyes narrowed with frustration and her pointy hat threatening to poke out the eyes of the unaware. When she asks you to help her tend to her trees you remember your concern for others...and the repressed altruism you’ve hidden away begins creeping through.The resident witch of Stitch and Seam!Born on April 14, National gardening day, This practitioner of magic has seemingly devoted her existence to the wellbeing of her garden of Wand Trees. She attentively cares to their every need but sometimes can get overzealous about rushing their growth. She is an impatient but devoted puppet, these two attitudes often causing tensions to rise and plants to die. When she takes her time however the magic produced is breathtaking.Izzy lives with her grumpy uncle!! She really doesn’t have a mom or dad…but she ok with that. Izzy is a 1 on 1 person. She gets really overwhelmed with large groups of people and needs social breaks. If she does hang out with other neighbors it’s typically individually or two at a time.Slowness is agonizing to Izzy. Taking her time? A headache. Waiting? Meltdown. Yet there is one thing Izzy dislikes above even waiting or slowness and that is: skeptics of magic. She is quick to prove any naysayers wrong by turning their head into a pumpkin—before feeling bad and turning them back to normal. She loves the color purple and having alone time.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled

Marigold Thornrowe

A flowery personality blooms from this bouquet of a woman. She wants to show you how great it is to be alive. For the first time in years the new situations don’t seem so scary. When she’s around you can’t help but be excited for the unknown. You take her hand and dive in headfirst.The prized flower of Stitch n’ Seam. Timid and maybe a little meek but very sweet, thoughtful and romantic. This puppet makes quite an effort to contribute to her community and loves helping around where she can, expressing her love and gratitude to everyone.
Winter, spring, summer, or fall; Marigold blossoms throughout it all! Change is a huge part of her life and her sincere love of life is something she hopes to impart unto others!
Marigolds birthday is March 21 aka international flower day!She would kindly ask to be referred to as “she/they/it”What is her favorite shade? Hard to say! Your favorite is her favorite! But if you must.. the colors of a sunrise bring mirth to her face.And on the thought of the sun here are some things that Marigold enjoys! The sunshine, the bugs on the trees, just about anything engulfed in nature. Reading a nice book or playing board games. laying on the grass with a beloved friend, Rain pattering against the rafters and gutters of her cherished home.Things she cannot stand? You’d be hard pressed to find them however smoke ruins Marigolds wonderful hair! So her home is a NO SMOKE zone! Absolutely none! If you are made of fire you should probably keep a distance- she might try to water you.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled

Bushel Brundle

Working with the gardener out in the fresh air, you find that the periods where you have to be alone don’t ache so much anymore. You dig your hands in the dirt and oddly you find some sort of peace through pulling up weeds.This sullen faced gardener lives her life on the edge of the neighborhood, tending to her plants and flowers. She is not one for words or loudness—she believes that peace can be found through quieting down and planting your hands in the dirt. Bushel is very blunt, yet means well. She might come off a tad scary due to her sullen face, however this couldn’t be farther from the truth! She simply has only one expression, inside she feels many warm and fuzzy emotions.Bushel likes working in silence, she doesn’t mind being alone with her thoughts and her plants when she has something to keep herself occupied. Digging in the dirt and pulling up weeds is her way of expelling her emotions through hobby and work. Of course she always enjoys quietly doing activities alongside others, like singing to her flowers, helping Izzy with her wand trees, or educating her neighbors about how wonderful weeds and bugs can be.Bushel finds sarcasm and jokes hard to understand since she herself is tragically literal about things. She dislikes people who tell half truths or act elusive and infuriatingly obtuse. When she isn’t out in the fields, she can be found in her upside down wheelbarrow home, partly submerged in the marshy waters with a flower pot chimney. Bushel's birthday is October 21st - national moss day - and she herself seems to be made of moss! Or fabric? Who knows!

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled


This good natured puppet wants to know if you would help her figure out how to fix her plane? For some reason it means a lot to be asked to help. As you pour over the instruction booklet you can’t help but smile— when she takes you out flying you’ve never felt lighter or as free as right now.The highflying ace of Stitch and Seam, every day Mayday takes off to the clouds and sees where her plane might take her.The most driven and focused of the neighborhood, Mayday tends to get tunnel vision with the projects she's working on. she can be very loud and somewhat boisterous, wanting to share her passion with all.Mayday loves the open sky, racing with other planes, and repairing her beloved vehicle. However Mayday can’t stand instruction manuals- whenever her plane is acting up the pilot puppet usually ends up taking the machine on a nice picnic hoping to “improve its mood”She simply isn’t one for following instructions and her cabinets are stuffed full to bursting with discarded instruction manuals, maps, guidebooks, most of which have never been opened.Underneath the brashness is someone who loves spending time with those around her yet also cannot stay still for the life of her. When someone reciprocates her talk of planes and aviation Mayday couldn’t be happier.Maydays birthday is May 22nd and her favorite color is yellow! Despite her birthday being National Maritime day she is the enemy of all submarines due to a rivalry with watercraft’s.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled


This puppet seems resigned to a life of hiding away, yet you sense a kindred spirit and knock on his door. Listening to him excitedly tell you about every item he’s collected you feel a sense of resolve to help him meet his neighbors…nobody who doesn’t want to should have to be alone. Looking at the specially curated items around you, you can’t help but feel a sense of attachment to what was lost and then found.The quietest and most reclusive puppet of Stitch and Seam, La’Bin seems to be waiting for a friend to help him out of his shell. Collector of discarded things, man of many hands, fixer upper; La’Bin is assumed by most puppets to simply be very antisocial yet this couldn’t be further from the truth. He is simply debilitatingly shy and too scared to take the first step towards friendship. If only this puppet would take on friendship he would find himself happily welcomed by his neighbors.Instead La’Bin prefers the privacy of his home - a large trash can - where he spends most of his time pouring over the things he’s collected and rearranging them into art, machines, or tools. His private collection is the finest museum in all the world, one which he hopes to someday share with others. He considers himself an artist or a collector of fine antiques. To him the possibilities of each item are endless and nothing discarded is ever entirely good or bad, it’s what you make of it that determines the future.Tragically La’Bin can't really remember his birth date, so birthdays are celebrated on a rotating monthly basis. His favorite color is orange since it reminds him of his favorite fruit - bananas! He likes rainy days, but a hot Tuesday is his second worst fear. His arms vary in number and all can stretch as far as needed to pick up the scraps and discarded items which catch his interest.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled


With a simple motion of the conductor's hand, a whole orchestra begins to play. When you focus on one section, you can hear each individual instrument as if you were playing it. The bass of the cello, the chirps of the flute… But when you close your eyes, you can hear them all singing together in harmony. A beautiful community of instruments, each adding something unique and special to the concert while complimenting their neighbors in tune.Boscoe is the town's musical sensation, a bustling, bountiful fellow who loves teaching others almost as much as he loves learning new things! When she's not cooking up a whimsical melody on his organ or cello at home, he's exploring, hosting free concerts and creative events, and supporting their community in every way possible!Boscoe loves to sing, dance, and play music, but their favorite thing of all is sharing the magic of creation and storytelling with everyone she meets. She also likes chocolate chip muffins, the color periwinkle, and glow-in-the-dark stars!On the flipside, he's a little afraid of small spaces, and highly disapproving of people who don't understand art and aren't willing to listen. He's also allergic to honeydew melon!Her birthday is on September 4th, so stop by the town's music hall to pay her a visit and hear their lovely song~

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled


The curtains rise as a puppet takes the stage. Singing and dancing as the music plays, she beckons you to step out of the wings and join her in the spotlight. The fears of forgetting your lines quickly fade as you find yourself guided by the smile on your face, and the audience's applause tells you that you are loved.The shining star of Stitch and Seam - that's what Jonesy D’Hiver would tell you she is. Jonesy is a puppet with a flair for the dramatic whose heart belongs to the theater. She loves to perform and bring a glimmer of light to those who are missing theirs. Though she may have an ego, Jonesy is far from selfish. She's willing to drop whatever it is she's doing to help a friend look their best with her big trunk full of costumes for every occasion. Her vaudeville performances leave audiences in awe at all the amazing things that can be done with a little pizzazz and a creative mind.Off of the stage, Jonesy can be a bit of a clutz. Her good sense of humor lets her laugh along with her antics, nothing can hold her down for long. She believes that one should always keep trying at things they love, because what you love is important. Setbacks or mistakes shouldn't stop you from being the best, happiest version of you. Practice makes perfect after all!Her flat within the theater is draped in luxurious velvet curtains and adorned with props and posters from past performances. In her downtime between rehearsals, she’ll try out new makeup techniques or draft up scripts for future acts. All the glitz and glamor in the world can’t compare to Jonesy’s wardrobe, from ball gowns to wigs, the labyrinth of costumes is truly a sight to behold. Her birthday on August 12th might explain her confidence, being a leo and all.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled


Tucked away under a tall twisting tree, a puppet waves to invite you to sit and watch the grass grow. The quiet shared between you two is relaxed as you listen to the birds chip and the wind rustle the leaves up above. You wait patiently as a flower slowly blooms from her hand, a gift to remember that good things come to those who wait.Lucilia doesn't need much, with her trusty trowel and gardening expertise she’s able to get all she needs from the earth. Her small cubby home lies within a tree on the outskirts of town to allow her to be close to nature. Lucilia lives alone, but that doesn’t stop her from going into town to help spread flowers in the gardens of the cozy townhouses. While she has no immediate family, she considers all of her friends to be family.She sometimes struggles to make new friends due to her timid nature, strangers don’t always have the patience needed to wait for her to open up. Lucilia is nonverbal, communicating through her actions and the language of plants. She has a unique ability to sprout flowers from her shrub like body. When new sprouts appear, she will pick them off to give to friends. The flower on the tippy top of her head always stays with her as it’s the first she ever grew and is now a part of her. This flower will bloom and wilt in correspondence with her emotions.Her birthday falls on November 18th, also known as apple cider day! Her favorite color is yellow - like a buttercup, or daffodil, or forsythia, or any other flower of a similar hue. She enjoys calm, quiet days where she can listen to the sounds of the birds singing in the trees.

The Stars and Blue. a stylized graphic of the projects name. On the top of the word 'star' a tall pointy creature with multiple arms and legs cheerfully leans over. It is waving to a tall triangle shaped woman standing on the the word 'blue' she's startled

The Artchives

Take a peek behind the curtains through the artchives and explore some of the lovely artworks created by the many talented hands behind The Stars And Blue!













